Alwynart and the Art of SOUL PLAY

On my other blog, LEA ( click to visit it), I have all the things that I offer in terms of performing and transforming arts. I call it LEA for Living Experiential Art and also for Lifepaths, Empathy and Astrology.

That blog is in german. If anyone is interested in having any of that information in english, email me at

This blog here is more for the visual art I am doing and for poetry. There are really exciting things that I will be able to write about soon!!!!!

Love from Deirdre

Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012

New Illustrations

Andreas Bunkahle is writing a new book on the tcm meridians in connection with astrology and homeopathy amongst other things. He has asked me to illustrate each one trying to capture the expression of what it is all about.