Alwynart and the Art of SOUL PLAY

On my other blog, LEA ( click to visit it), I have all the things that I offer in terms of performing and transforming arts. I call it LEA for Living Experiential Art and also for Lifepaths, Empathy and Astrology.

That blog is in german. If anyone is interested in having any of that information in english, email me at

This blog here is more for the visual art I am doing and for poetry. There are really exciting things that I will be able to write about soon!!!!!

Love from Deirdre

Montag, 24. August 2009

I started this blog spontaneously without knowing yet where it was headed. I have decided.

This a blog for celebrating.

For celebrating the seasons, the 8 celtic fire festivals, life in general, things I discover.

Here are two party pictures:

The four temperaments ( phlegmatic, sanguinic, choleric and melancholicc...connected to water, air, fire and earth). Somewhat worse for the wear. First published in Lilipoh magazine ( . I forget when. I am including it to honor the different ways we have of celebrating.

The other picture is to celebrate current events:

Swine Flu Party


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