Alwynart and the Art of SOUL PLAY

On my other blog, LEA ( click to visit it), I have all the things that I offer in terms of performing and transforming arts. I call it LEA for Living Experiential Art and also for Lifepaths, Empathy and Astrology.

That blog is in german. If anyone is interested in having any of that information in english, email me at

This blog here is more for the visual art I am doing and for poetry. There are really exciting things that I will be able to write about soon!!!!!

Love from Deirdre

Sonntag, 30. August 2009

I have been thinking about Bui, the old woman of Beare . The top 2 and second from the bottom are her. She seems very happy in these ones. That is just how she turned out. More about her can be found at: .
The 3rd from the top is the green man
and the bottom one is a strawberry gnome.

Samstag, 29. August 2009

Carlin and Ian´s wedding

My husband Paul just got back from his cousin´s weddeing in Scotland. Now THAT is worth a celebratory blogging! I only just finished their wedding present. I painted them roses. Here is the picture (being sent to them) along with a wedding photo and warmest good wishes for a long, wonderfull married life together!!!

Montag, 24. August 2009

I have hung a pencil next to the toilet for drawing the faces I always see in the bumps. Boy do I love drawing on the walls!

At school I drew on my homework, along the margins of my notes, on the desk... it helped me listen deeper. It wasn´t smiled upon.
Neben unsere Toilette habe ich ein Bleistift aufgehängt für meine Zeichnensucht.;)

Ich sehe immer überall lustige Gesichter in Sachen. Sogar in der Schule bemalte ich meine Aufgaben, Notizenränder und Schreibtisch voll. Ich glaubte ich konnte dabei den Lehrern tiefer belauschen. Es kam aber nicht so gut an...

Ich hatte keine ahnung als ich mit diesem Blog anfing wo das alles hinführen soll. Ich weiss es jetzt.

Ich widme hiermit diesem Blog das Feiern!
Ich werde feiern:
die Jahreszeiten
die 8 Keltische Feuerfeste
das Leben algemein
meine Entdeckungen
und aktelle Themen

( Entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch, falsch aber mit Herz frei von der Leber weg!)
unten sind zwei Bilder um damit anzufangen.

Die Vier Temperamenten
etwas zerknittered, zuerst in dem Zeitschrift Lilipoh in USA erschienen ( Ich weiss nicht mehr wann das war, aber ich möchte hiermit sagen, jeder hat seine art die Dinge im Leben zu feiern.

Das andere Bild ist um Aktuells zu feiern und heisst
Schweinegrippe Party


I started this blog spontaneously without knowing yet where it was headed. I have decided.

This a blog for celebrating.

For celebrating the seasons, the 8 celtic fire festivals, life in general, things I discover.

Here are two party pictures:

The four temperaments ( phlegmatic, sanguinic, choleric and melancholicc...connected to water, air, fire and earth). Somewhat worse for the wear. First published in Lilipoh magazine ( . I forget when. I am including it to honor the different ways we have of celebrating.

The other picture is to celebrate current events:

Swine Flu Party


Als ich ein Kind war habe ich meine Eltern mit Wandmalereien zum verzweiflung gebracht. Jetzt habe ich mich entschieden es offiziel zu machen. Ich bemale Wände!!!

OK, meine Beichte ist in der öffentlichkeit zugegeben worden.

Hier sind ein Paar von meinen Bildern.

Das Erdherz ist ein Lieblings Thema. Inspiriert von den "Heart Lectures( " , Vorträge von Ehrenfried Pfeiffer über die Verwandlung des ehtherischen Herzens.

Sonntag, 23. August 2009

Written in Virgo

Before the Fall

All the land is dark and muted
In the calm before the storm
And the trees are waiting, waiting,
Hardly dare to take a breath,
Now that summer´s almost over
And the roses bow their heads,
Lingering on life´s precepice,
Before the world leaps to its death.

Like a mouse trapped in a corner
Waiting for the cat to spring,
Like a boy on his first school day,
Loath to leave his mother´s side,
There´s a strange anticipation
Hovering in the humid air,
A ship, caught in horse latitudes
When the summer winds have died.

An old woman turns and tosses,
Starved for sleep yet restless still,
and a young man at his window
Loses form and wails aloud;
But the sound sinks in the darkness,
Swallowed up and no one hears,
Not a star shines, for the heaven´s
wrapped up in a misty shroud.

Not an animal is moving,
Not a bird stirs in its nest,
Just the demons are out roaming
Trying to lead us all astray:
Veiling all the world in darkness,
And in the dark is born the truth
That the Fall wakes us from sleep
So we can start a fresh new day...

This is a song which will be part of my CD "Sunwise", whenever I manage to get it done. I have written songs inspired by the seasons and the 12 signs of the zodiac.

hidden faces

I love painting with any water-soluble paint and then splashing water on it and letting it dry over night. In the morning I look at the shapes that have appeared over night and tickle them out with more paint. I often get to know elemental beings and nature spirits this way. I connect to them inwardly and ask them about themselves and see what shows up.

Tree Gathering and Dance

wallart, Wandkunst

This is my new Blog. I wish to use it for sharing my art/spiritual journey. I am an artistic empath and follow different directions in art. Painting, singer/songwriting, poetry, acting, astrology, storytelling, nature crafts and the sacred path of the clown are mediums that, for me are all interrelated. I use them to go my own questing path and as a guide for people who wish me to help them when they feel they are at cross roads on their own quests.
I don´t know where this will lead me, but I feel strongly that I should just begin and see what happens.
So, here goes!!

At the moment I am experimenting with water-soluble wax colours that are opening up all kinds of new possibilities!

Hier fange ich mit meinem neuen Blog an. Ich bin keine deutsche Muttersprachlerin, also bitte ich um Vergebniss wenn mein Deutsch manchmal gewagt ist. Ich bin Künstlerempath unter anderem und verbinde verschiedenste Kunstrichtungen in meiner Arbeit.
Malerei, Dichten, Komponieren, Schauspiel, Astrologie, märchhenerzählen, Basteln mit Sachen aus der Natur und vor allem der Lernweg des Herz-zentrierten Clowns sind für mich alle unzertrennlich. Ich verwende all auf meine eigere geistige Suche und verwende sie als Hilfsmitel Anderen auf ihre Suchen als Wegbegleiterin zu helfen wenn sie das Gefühl haben vorübergehend nicht mehr weiter zu wissen.

Im Moment experimentiere ich mit Wasserlöslichen Wachsfarben die mir extra Freiheiten