Alwynart and the Art of SOUL PLAY

On my other blog, LEA ( click to visit it), I have all the things that I offer in terms of performing and transforming arts. I call it LEA for Living Experiential Art and also for Lifepaths, Empathy and Astrology.

That blog is in german. If anyone is interested in having any of that information in english, email me at

This blog here is more for the visual art I am doing and for poetry. There are really exciting things that I will be able to write about soon!!!!!

Love from Deirdre

Dienstag, 10. November 2009

Archangel Raphael

A new doctor has come to Leipzig and is opening a practice for anthroposophical, wholistic and preventative medicine! Today is the celebration. Congatulations Dr. Freutsmiedl and warmest good wishes for the future here. Here is a picture I painted as a gesture for practice warming party.
Ein neuer Arzt ist nach Leipzig gekommen um anthroposophische, ganzheitliche und präventative Medizin zu praktizieren. Heute ist das Einweihungsfest. Alles, alles Gute, Dr Freutsmiedl . Hier ist ein Bild vom Erzengel Raphael, mit dem Praxislogo mit hineingearbeitet als Geste.
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