I painted it as a prayer/meditation for the victims of the earth quake in Haiti. I am trying to sell, auction it for the Haiti rescue and relief work.
Dies ist Agwe, Meeresmutter, Göttin des Trostes, Nährung, Heilung, usw. Ich habe sie als Gebet/Meditation für die Opfer des Haitie Erdbebens. Ich versuche im Moment sie zu verkaufen um die Rettungsaktionen eine Spende bei zutragen...und habe vielleicht jemand schon. Daumen drücken!!!
Thank you Deirdre for your comment.
AntwortenLöschenWhat area specifically within the domain of karmic astrology interests you most? My own research is largely based around the aspect of synchronistic life events that are ripples of previous incarnations... I find it just fascinating how the past all to often reflects this our present and ever unfolding future.
Your paintings are increadibly beautiful - are they channeled?
I don't think it is chaneling, it feels more like empathic communicating which for me is often very visual. Sometimes also just my way of praying/meditating.