Alwynart and the Art of SOUL PLAY

On my other blog, LEA ( click to visit it), I have all the things that I offer in terms of performing and transforming arts. I call it LEA for Living Experiential Art and also for Lifepaths, Empathy and Astrology.

That blog is in german. If anyone is interested in having any of that information in english, email me at

This blog here is more for the visual art I am doing and for poetry. There are really exciting things that I will be able to write about soon!!!!!

Love from Deirdre

Donnerstag, 17. September 2009

Evolution of a picture, Entstehung eines Bildes

This painting is called Wonder and is a work in progress. I am following what I see. I will keep you updated as it manifests.
Das Bild heißt Wunder und ist noch am entstehen. Das sind die Schritte bisher. Ich folge das was ich sehe. Ich werde euch auf dem Laufenden halten.

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